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taman gantung babilonia bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "taman gantung babilonia"
  • The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are built by Nebuchadnezzar.
    Taman Gantung Babilonia dibangun oleh Nebukadnezar.
  • Amytis' homesickness for the forested mountains of the Median Empire led to the construction of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, as Nebuchadnezzar attempted to please her by planting the trees and plants of her homeland.
    Kerinduan Amitis untuk pegunungan berhutan di Kekaisaran Media menyebabkan pembangunan Taman Gantung Babilonia, sebagai Nebuchadnezzar berusaha menyenangkannya dengan menanam pohon dan tumbuhan di tanah airnya.
  • Wiseman questioned the traditional location of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, suggesting that the site lay further west, by the river Euphrates, where the foundations of a massive tower had been discovered.
    Wiseman mempertanyakan tradisional lokasi Taman Gantung Babilonia, dan menunjukkan bahwa situs itu terletak lebih jauh ke barat, di tepi sungai Efrat, di mana fondasi-fondasi suatu menara raksasa telah ditemukan.